If matrimony and hanging go
By dest’ny, why not whipping too?
What med’cine else can cure the fits
Of lovers when they lose their wits?
Love is a boy by poets stil’d;
Then spare the rod, and spoil the child.
This is night and day compared to
the biblical verse containing the phrase “spare the rod.” The term “spoil the
child” is not actually in the Bible. What “spare the rod, spoil the child”
actually means in reference to biblical guidance is to guide our children in
the way they should go. Let’s explore this phrase further in the Bible.
Where is “spare the rod, spoil
the child” mentioned in the Bible?
This phrase is most closely
associated with Proverbs 13:24. We start to understand the context more as we
read in various translations. The King James translation states “He that
spareth his rod hateth his son: But he who loves him chasteneth him betimes.”
While the New Living Translation reads “Those who spare the rod of discipline
hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline
them.” In any translation, the intent is disciplining our children in the sense
of guiding them in the way they should go. To put it simply, it is to instill
in our children right from wrong.
This Proverb, as with many
proverbs and teachings of Jesus, teaches using a parable. It does not intend
for children to be physically punished as the only means of correction. It
refers to teaching them through guidance and appropriate discipline.
Discipline, according to this PMC article, is about positively influencing
behavior in children, not about punishing them. It says, “Discipline allows
children to develop self-discipline, and helps them become emotionally and
socially mature, secure adults.” It goes on to explain that effective
discipline is that which is self-enhancing for the child. Leading children to
self-discipline is congruent with Proverbs 22:6, which says, “Train up a child
in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
How can Proverbs 13:24 be
The most common misinterpretation
about this scripture relates to “the rod of discipline.” Many view this as
direction to physically punish children as the best, or only, form of
discipline. “The rod” is the inspiration for other disciplinary tools like
switches or belts. According to psychologist and Parenting by The Book author
John Rosemond, “this misinterpretation is understandable, but reflects a
wrongful application of the principles of Biblical interpretation.” There is
often debate around this verse along with two others, but notice the trend in
all of these is not a rod, but the rod:
Proverbs 13:24 - “Those who spare
the rod hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline
Proverbs 22:15 - “Foolishness is
bound in the heart of the child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far
from him.”
Proverbs 23:13 - “Do not withhold
discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.”
Per this resource from Rosemond,
there is a big difference between a rod, a physical object, and the rod, which
is used metaphorically. In each scripture that describes disciplining a child,
the rod is used, nota rod. He goes on to present the importance of
understanding the different usage in Exodus 21:20, which states, “If a man
beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct
result, he must be punished.” Though the severity is obviously different in
this example, it points out the varying context. Without seeing the subtle
difference in the usage of the rod here, we miss the purpose of these
How should parents apply the
verse today?
With the developments in research
surrounding the importance of family bonds and emotional development, a current
application of this verse might focus more on development rather than
discipline alone. Consequences are necessary, but understanding why there are
consequences is what ties it into development. Development encompasses more
than just correcting bad behavior. It includes that, but the development
mindset would incorporate other important factors such as how our children learn,
and what is in them to cultivate.
The World Economic Forum states
emotional intelligence will be a top 10 skill necessary for career advancement
by 2020. To use “the rod” in this time is to cultivate awareness in our
children. Awareness of their own feelings, as well as what might happen in
others given certain situations. You may be thinking this is such a “soft”
thing to say, or that kids these days need a “backbone.” While I don’t disagree
with that, consider that the Holy Spirit is a spirit of gentleness and
kindness, but also one of directness and purpose. The aim here is not to guide
our children to “softness” but to a holy spirit-driven conscience, a higher
awareness of self and others.
Lori Wildenberg gives a great
guide to the foundational emotional needs of children, and people in general,
in her 2016 Crosswalk article How to Grow Your Child’s Conscience. Through six
stages leading up to maturity, she states it starts with us as the example. Our
home is the place where empathy can be fostered and empathy is a big component
of conscience development. It is the key that makes us consider how actions,
whether our own or something we witness, impact those around us. Skills in
empathy and emotional intelligence not only help us in our careers but more
importantly, they help us in our purpose to love God and love others that Jesus
charged us with, in Matthew 22:36-40.
Discipline is ok. I think it is
important to start off by saying that. Sometimes as people we tend to commit
100% one direction or the other if we don’t have our own understanding of
something. The aim is not to avoid discipline altogether. What we do want to
avoid is ineffective discipline. Per the PMC article referenced above, the purpose
of effective discipline is to “help children organize themselves, internalize
rules, and acquire appropriate behavior patterns.” Biblically, this is in
accordance to Proverbs 22:6 that we should “raise a child up in the way they
should go.” The key to this effective discipline must be perceived as “fair”
for the child and be self-enhancing.
You may also consider other
proven alternatives to spanking depending on the child’s age. Some of these
alternatives including redirection (infants, early toddlers), timeout (early
toddlers, Kindergarten to school-age), withdrawal of privileges, or reasoning
(school-age to adolescents). While I understand the above may be a bit vague,
the “right way” to discipline your child is known no better than by the parents.
The key is having the right intention and motivation as described in this
section and referenced article.
In summary, “spare the rod, spoil
the child” is Biblically supported through means of effective discipline, but
is not directly quoted in scripture. Though the phrase is actually found in a
satirical article, there are scriptures that support that discipline is an
exercise of love. Discipline is a vital piece of our emotional and social
development, and when used with the proper intention, helps children prosper in
life. Effective discipline is a result of a healthy home environment where
children feel safe and share mutual respect.
Effective discipline starts with
us being healthy ourselves. If you had a rough childhood with questionable
punishments, you hold the power to change the environment for your children.
You are in charge of them having a different future. To be healthy ourselves,
we must be connected to the vine as Jesus describes in John 15:5. He says, “I
am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will
produce much fruit.” Our purpose, direction, and emotional health come from
spiritual principles and the good news is that even if you were not provided a
healthy environment growing up yourself, you have the same access to the vine.
You can get healthy now. This health translates into healthy parenting and
healthy relationships for everyone you encounter.
Kyle Blevins is the sole contributor to the
blog, REDIRECTED, which focuses on rediscovering purpose through love. His
broken life took a turning point after being surrounded by positive people who
believed he was capable of more. His passion is connecting with and encouraging
those looking for a new beginning in life and in Christ. You can follow his
blog at iamredirected.com.
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