Saturday 6 January 2018

Chapter 1 - Abuse of Authority

A well-known church leader was quoted as expressing this dangerous viewpoint: "When a 'delegated authority' or 'spiritual authority' provides counsel to those under him, he speaks with God's authority. Whenever God's delegated authority touches our lives. He requires us to acknowledge and submit to it, JUST AS WE WOULD TO HIM IN PERSON."  

Another church leader expressed an unbalanced position when he said, "You'll be taught by the Spirit what is involved in... Apostleship — or you'll be left in Babylon. There's no halfway point. The only alternative you have to spiritual submission and to divine order is Babylon." 

Let me make it clear. I consider myself to be one who wants to honor all legitimate authority. However, I carry grave concerns about the impact some teachers' concepts have on their "disciples."  
In this study, we are going to look at the abuse of authority in the Church, a subject which has brought endless confusion to many of God's people.  

As biblical truths are carried to extremes by unbalanced application, they can destroy lives. The Jonestown, Guyana, mass suicide of over 900 followers of Jim Jones illustrates what can happen. He was a church leader from America who demanded total submission to his edicts.  

In Romans 13:1, we are instructed: "Let every soul be subject to the HIGHER authorities. For there is no authority but of God: the authorities that be are ordained of God."  

Using this verse of Scripture, doctrine on submission has been developed by both Protestant and Catholic groups. These doctrines often go far beyond the scriptural concept of submission taught in the New Testament. It is these unscriptural concepts that we must boldly challenge.  

"...The truth as [expressed] in Jesus" is always liberating (Eph 4:21). It will set you free to be all the Lord wants you to be. It will not bring you into bondage to some religious hierarchy, that prevents God's will being expressed in your life. 
When the Scriptures speak of HIGHER authorities, it is suggesting that there are legitimate levels or stratification of authority to which we are to submit ourselves. It also implies there are times when higher (divine) and lower (human) authority come in conflict, and we have to choose to obey God rather than religious leaders (Acts 5:29).  

Of the SEVEN levels of authority that are mentioned in the Scripture, THREE DO NOT pertain to man. These three levels of authority are reserved for God alone.

These are Sovereign Authority, Veracious Authority and the Authority of Conscience. We will explain the meaning of these later.   

Unfortunately, history is replete with examples of religious and political leaders who appropriate to themselves pompous titles, authority and position the Scripture reserves for God alone.
It is to prevent church leaders from usurping unscriptural authority, and church members from wrongfully submitting to human authority, that I dedicate this teaching.  


1. Sovereign - Imperial Authority  
The highest authority is SOVEREIGN or IMPERIAL AUTHORITY. This level is never questioned or challenged. It is absolute, infallible, and authority of the highest magnitude. This authority belongs exclusively to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

Some denominations arrogate to ecclesiastical offices this high honor reserved in the Scripture FOR GOD ALONE. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO BIBLICAL BASIS FOR CHURCH LEADERS (or any human being) TO EXERCISE SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY.  

The Bible warns in no uncertain terms that they who do so are falling into the same sin that led to Satan's fall from Heaven. Lucifer (Satan) tried to arrogate to himself authority that belongs to GOD ALONE.  

"How are you fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer... For you said to yourself, 'I will ascend to... rule... I will take the highest throne... I will... be like the Most High (Isa 14:12-14 tlb).  

Satan's fall from Heaven resulted from his trying to usurp to himself sovereign authority reserved for God alone. Let religious leaders be warned. You can fall into the same snare as the devil.  

a. Jesus Christ — Only Sovereign Head Of The Church. In writing to the church at Ephesus, the Apostle Paul tells us Jesus alone has the position of sovereign authority in the Church.   "...I pray for you constantly, asking God give you -wisdom to see clearly and really understand WHO CHRIST IS... I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe... It is that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in heaven, far, far above ANY OTHER king or ruler or dictator or leader... And God has put ALL things under his feet and made HIM [and ONLY Him] THE SUPREME HEAD OF THE CHURCH... " (Eph 1:16-22 tib).  

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only One Who holds the position of a sovereign over the Christian. He is the One Who is enthroned above all principalities and authority.  

He has been exalted, "Far above all... dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come... all things have been put under his feet... HE IS TO BE THE HEAD OVER ALL THINGS TO THE CHURCH, which is his body, the fullness of him that fills all in all" (Eph 1:21-23, pph).   This position of sovereign authority belongs to the Godhead and, as far as the governance of the Church is concerned, is reserved for our Lord Jesus alone.  

Hebrews Chapter One also teaches us that Jesus Christ is in the unique place of being the only sovereign Head of the Church. 

"God... hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir [lawful owner] of all things... unto the Son [Jesus] he [the Father] saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever. "...God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness ABOVE thy fellows" (Heb 1:1-9).  

This places Jesus over every person in the Church. This simply means that no one, regardless of his position or title, can presume to rise to a position equal to the authority of our Lord. Jesus holds this preeminent position.   He was exalted above the angels, above every other throne for ever and ever. He  is given the place of sovereignty in this age as well as that which is to come.  

b. Beware Of Those Who Would "Take Christ's Place". Anyone, or any church, who attempts to ascend to this level by making an ecclesiastical office (on earth or in Heaven) equal to or greater than Jesus is bordering on being party to an Antichrist spirit.  

The term "antichrist," in the New Testament, does not only mean "against Christ." It also means "in the place of Christ." (Greek = an-tee'; meaning instead of, in the room of. Denotes substitution.)  
For example, any religious group like the Catholic Church that recognizes someone "in the place of Christ" is usurping Christ's place.   In Catholic theology, the Pope is "the Vicar of Christ on Earth". "Vicar" comes from "Vicarious" — meaning "to substitute - in the place of."  

This is dangerous theology — especially since the Pope's Ex-Cathedra (from the papal throne) pronouncements are considered infallible (without possibility of error or mistake) by Catholic church leaders.  

This is what Jesus warned us would happen. He told us, "Many shall come IN MY NAME [professing Christians] saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many" (Matt 24:5).  

In Revelation 19, the Holy Spirit underscores very clearly that Jesus Christ holds a unique place in the purpose of God. In verse 16, He is described as having written on His robe the words, "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."  

Above every king, He is King of kings. Above every lord, He is Lord of lords. To Him alone is given the place of absolute sovereign authority. There is no authority in the Church to whom a Christian should give unquestioned obedience other than our Lord Jesus Christ.  

It should be noted that many churches claim sovereign authority for their potentates and leaders. To do so is not only unscriptural but anti-scriptural, as we will show in further detail in later chapters. 
2. Veracious Authority  
The word "veracious" is taken from the word "veracity" which means "truth," or that which is always true beyond a shadow of a doubt.   For example, when you were in school you were taught in mathematics class the simple truth that "2 + 2 equals 4". Your teacher was speaking with veracious authority at that point.  

This simple mathematical formula is a fact that does not have to be arbitrated, argued over or justified. It is true. It is an irrefutable statement of mathematical fact.  

As in the above example, anything that is truth has authority by virtue of the fact that it is true. Paul the apostle acknowledged this. "For we can do nothing against the truth..." (2Cor 13:8). Truth has authority. 
a. Truth Has Authority. To reject truth is to incur judgment. "That they all might be condemned who believed not the truth..."(2 Ths2:12). 
1) God The Father Speaks Truth. God always tells the truth; thus His words have veracious authority.   "God is not a man, that he should lie... hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? "(Num 23:19).   "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips... I  have sworn... that I will not lie..." (Ps 89:34,35).  
2) God The Son (Jesus) Speaks Truth. "Jesus saith unto him, I am... the truth... " (John 14:6). Because He is the truth — everything He says is true and thus is binding. "... we know that thou art true, and... teach the way of God in truth...' (Mark 12:14). "For... truth came by Jesus Christ "(John 1:17).   Thus, in order to be saved, we must believe what He says. "... he that believeth not the Son shall not see life: but the wrath of God abideth on him'' (John 3:36).  
3) God The Holy Spirit Expresses Truth. The Scriptures ascribe this quality of truth to God, the Holy Spirit. Thrice Jesus describes Him as "...the Spirit of truth... "(John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13). In 1 John 5:6, we read, "...the Spirit is truth. " Thus, the Holy Spirit becomes an expression of veracious authority in the Godhead.  

b. The Bible Has Authority. The Scriptures are given by God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as an expression of Truth and, therefore, they hold the place of veracious authority. This authority is active in the lives of men, even if they refuse to acknowledge it.  

We have the Word of God expressed not only in the Person of Jesus — the Word Incarnate — that is in flesh (see John 1:1,14), but we also have the Word expressed in the Bible (the Inscriptured Word).   

1) Inspired By The Holy Spirit. The Bible was written as a result of the action of the Spirit of God upon men. The Spirit divinely inspired their thought and words. David described this phenomena in these words: "The spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue" (2 Sam 23:2).  

God breathed into them His words. These "...holy men of God spake as they -were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Pet 1:21). These men recorded God's words for us.  

That which He breathed through men became an expression of our Lord in inscriptured authority. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God [Greek = theopneustos, meaning divinely  breathed in]..."(2 Tim 3:16).  

Consequently, when we look at the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to bringing God's truth to men, we know that He inspired or breathed forth through men what we call the Scriptures (the Bible). 
God has given us a book inspired by the Holy Spirit called the Bible, and of it He says: "...thy law is truth... all thy commandments are truth" (Ps 119:142,151).  

Thus, the Bible holds the place of VERACIOUS authority for the Christian (and all mankind). We must judge and determine what is right by what the Bible says.   

2) Three Guidelines For The Authority Of Scripture. We live in a day when men have attacked the Scriptures from within as well as from without the Church. Thus, we need to reaffirm that which ancient Church councils established.  

Hundreds of years ago, church leaders met to deal with certain problems which were disrupting the faith and practice of the believers. The "Westminster Confession," which resulted from this conference, provides us three statements which should serve as a guideline for church leaders in understanding the VERACIOUS AUTHORITY of Scripture. They are:  
a) "Nothing contrary to Scripture can be true."   
b) "Nothing in addition to Scripture can be binding."    
c) "Every believer is responsible to God to search the Scriptures to see if what is being said by church leaders is true."  

3) Berean Believers Commended. The Westminster Confession is based on Acts 17:10,11: "And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These [at Berea] were more noble than those at Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things  were so. "  

The apostles Paul and Silas brought the message of Christ to the Jews at Berea (who in those days had only the Old Testament Scriptures). They commended the Bereans for two things:  
a) They recognized the authority of Scripture was greater than that of church leaders (the apostles).  
b) They searched the Scriptures daily to see if what the church leaders (Paul and Silas) were saying had veracity (was true).  

The Bereans were not challenging the apostles in an attitude of rebellion, but they were wanting to make sure that what was taught was in agreement with the Bible.  

They were complimented by the Holy Spirit because of their wisdom. They were wise enough to recognize that God has given a book by which every man and his teaching should be judged, no matter if he is an apostle or an angel from Heaven. 

 If " angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you, than that which we have preached... let him be accursed [anathema] "(Gal 1:8).  

Even if a volcano erupts in the midst of a gospel crusade accompanied with fire and smoke, trumpets and the sound of angelic choirs... if what is taught in that context contradicts the Scriptures, it is invalid.  

4) The Final Authority. God spoke through Isaiah: "Check these... words against the Word of God!... If their messages are different than mine, it is because I have not sent them; they have no light or truth in them " (Isa 8:20 tlb).  

God is telling us through Isaiah that the Bible is to be the final authority for faith and practice. Neither miracle workers, nor church leaders, nor angels have authority equal to the Scriptures. 
This principle of the Bible being the final authority of faith and practice was established almost 4,000 years ago when God gave the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) to a man called Joshua, the successor to Moses.  

God said to him, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein... "(Josh 1:8).   God said to Joshua, "If you want to have success and prosper, take this book and READ it and live by what you read."  

hat's still God's commandment for those who want to prosper. Take the Bible, live according to it and judge everything by it. 

The Bible is VERACIOUS AUTHORITY. It is a higher authority than any office in the Church. It is above any Church official, be he apostle, pope, prophet, cardinal, evangelist, bishop, pastor, priest, teacher or deacon.   The Roman Catholic Church recognizes the veracious authority of Scripture, for even the Pope is not supposed to teach doctrine contrary to the Bible. 
David said, "He [the Lord] hath exalted his word above all his name" (Ps 138:2). Think of it! God has given Christ a name above every name (PhH 2:9), but He has exalted His Word above even His Name. This places the Bible above every human authority, whether it be religious, political or military.  

Every believer is obligated to search the Scriptures to find out if what the church leaders teach is according to the Scriptures. We are never to believe or practice anything contrary to the Scriptures, the Word of God.  

Nowhere in the Bible or teaching of the early Church fathers, do we have evidence that church leaders (or any other human being) spoke with veracious authority. This is a level above human authority.  3. The Authority Of Conscience  

The third level of authority the Bible teaches us about is the authority of the CONSCIENCE.   Some have argued that it is not possible to know what is right from wrong. However, everyone of normal mental capacity knows right from wrong — everyone! How is that possible?  

We all know what we do NOT want other people to do to us. We do not want other people to take unfair advantage of us. We do not want someone to hurt us. We do not want someone to break into our homes and steal all of our goods. We do not want to be murdered, nor our wife or daughter raped or our children committing fornication or adultery.  

Thus, we all know right from wrong, even if we didn't have a Bible to tell us. We know what we don't want people to do to us and, thus, we know what we shouldn't do to other people.  

This is the principle on which the Ten Commandments in the Bible are based.  

The only thing that God has asked us not to do is that which is going to hurt either us or someone else. Therefore, when we live our lives according to the Ten Commandments, we are preserving life — ours and others.  

In this way everyone's right to life, peace and pursuit of happiness is preserved.  

Now, knowing what we don't want other people to do to us, and knowing what we shouldn't do to them, is what the Bible calls CONSCIENCE.  

a. The Apostles Teach About Conscience:   
1) Don't Violate It. The Apostle Paul established the authority of the conscience in his writings. An example: In Bible times, there were many religious convictions about certain types of food. He warns us to be careful when we eat not to violate the conscience of:  
a) Another, "But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ" (lCor8:12);or    
b) Our own, "For meat [food] destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eats with offense [a guilty conscience]" (Rom 14:20). "And he that doubts is condemned if he eat, because he eats not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin " (Rom 14:23).  
2) Pagans Will Be Judged By It. In the New Testament, the conscience  carries tremendous authority. Many times I have been asked, "Brother Ralph, what is going to happen to the heathen who have never heard the gospel?"  

The Apostle Paul answered this question, ' 'For as many as have sinned without law also shall perish without law... for when the Gentiles [the pagan or unbeliever], which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves;  

"Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, THEIR CONSCIENCE ALSO BEARING WITNESS, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing... In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel" (Rom 2:12, 14-16).  

God is going to judge the pagan by his response to his conscience. The conscience  is God's law written in the heart and the mind.  

Even if a man doesn't have the Bible, he has his conscience. God will judge him by the way he obeys his conscience. The conscience is the pagan's substitute for the "law" (Ten Commandments).   Remember, in God's sight, the conscience has tremendous authority; hence, we are to obey it.
3) We Must Submit To It. The Apostle Paul dealt with many questions of conscience, such as what we eat or drink, or what day we worship the Lord. He writes, "One man esteems one day above another: another esteems every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind [conscience].   

"He that regards the day, regards it unto the Lord; and he that regards not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it... " (Rom 14:5,6).  

How does the person respond to his conscience? For some, observing a certain day is very important. For example, in Israel the Muslims observe Friday, the Orthodox Jews observe Saturday and the Christians observe Sunday.  

To violate their sacred day would violate their conscience. I am not suggesting you should observe any special day; I am saying what Paul says, "Whatever your conscience dictates to you is what you must do."  

Paul goes on to say, "Let us not therefore judge another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way "(Rom 14:13).
As well as being sensitive to another's conscience, Paul reminds us that we are to be sensitive to our own: "For meat [food] destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure: but it is evil for that man who eats with offense [a guilty conscience]" (Rom 14:20).   

If you hold a conviction that you should abstain from eating certain foods and you overrule your conscience, Paul says for you it is wrong (evil). If it is against your conscience to eat pork and you eat it, it is wrong and you have rejected the authority of your conscience.
The Apostle Paul makes it plain that every one of us shall give account of himself to God. The manner in which we have responded to our own conscience will determine our reward and/or judgment. If we violate our conscience, it becomes sin for us. 
Paul teaches us to submit to the authority of our own conscience. Even though our conscience will not allow us to do what others seem able to do, we must obey our conscience.  

4) Everyone Is Accountable. He also teaches us not to impose our scruples on others. We must not think them less spiritual than ourselves because they enjoy certain liberties that may be against our own personal convictions.  

There are cases when the authority of conscience has not been respected by church leaders. Some have taught, for example, that a wife should submit to her husband even if she is asked to do something which violates her conscience.  

This is wrong! God holds every one of us accountable, whether we are man or woman.  

Sapphira was held accountable for her complicity in lying to the Holy Spirit. "Then Peter said unto her. How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out" (Acts 5:9). Sapphira died under judgment because she went along with her evil husband's plot to lie to the Holy Spirit.  

4. Summary   God's Sovereign Authority, the Scriptures' Veracious Authority and the Authority of our Conscience are higher than any man, regardless of his office or title.  

No one on the face of the earth has a God-given right to command you to disobey your conscience, your Bible or your God. These are all above any human office or authority — be it Church, state or otherwise.   

The conscience is subject to the Scripture, and the Scripture proceeds from God. Hence, we are to be subject to these HIGHER authorities, even if they come in conflict with the LOWER authority God gives to men. 

Source: The Shepherd’s Staff

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